Master Class

The Master Class meets from 3:00pm to 6:00pm.

The focus of the first hour (3:00pm - 4:00pm) is instruction, where students participate in lectures, training drills and quizzes.

From 4:00pm to 6:00pm students participate in serious games played under tournament conditions.

The class is split up into two groups, Group A and Group B. 

Group A students play one game per week in a 7 round Swiss tournament with a time control of 60+3. 

Group B students play two games per week in a 14 round Swiss tournament with a time control of 30+3. 

Students are expected to take these games very seriously, using their time wisely to plan and calculate as deeply as they can. 

All students must record their moves.

As students finish their games, they leave the playing hall and go to the lecture theatre for further instruction.

The following outlines the material that students will learn:

You must have permission from head instructor, Jay Lakner, to participate in the Master Class. This is to ensure that the quality of the Master Class is very high and that the top players receive the highest quality experience.

The maximum class size for the Master Class is 70 students.