Development Class
Once students know the basic rules and concepts, they are ready for the Development Class.Â
The following is a list of many of the concepts and skills covered.
Topics Covered
Students will learn the fundamentals of how to finish off their opponents when they have a winning position. The following endgames will be covered:
King and Queen versus King.
King and Rook versus King.
King, Rook and Pawns versus King and Pawns.
King, Knight and Pawns versus King and Pawns.
King, Bishop and Pawns versus King and Pawns.
King and many Pawns versus King and fewer Pawns.
Opposite-coloured Bishop endgames.
Chess Notation
Basic Rook Checkmates
Basic Bishop Checkmates
Basic Queen Checkmates
Basic Knight Checkmates
Basic Pawn Checkmates
Students will learn the mechanics of basic chess tactics. The following topics will be covered:
Pins and Skewers.
Knight Forks, Pawn Forks and King Forks.
Bishop Forks, Rook Forks and Queen Forks.
Discovered Checks and Discovered Attacks.
Students will learn the mechanics of more difficult chess tactics. The following topics will be covered:
Pin Pile-ons and Pin Paralysis.
Checkmates involving Pins.
Runaway Pawns, controlling the promotion square and Underpromotion.
Trapped Pieces.
Students will learn the fundamental elements of chess positions. The following topics will be covered:
Central Control.
King Safety.
Open files and diagonals.
Pawn Structure.
Weak Squares.
Weekly quizzes and homework will be based on the above topics.
Lastly, a tournament is run each term, with one serious game played per week under tournament conditions.